Nursery (Birth – age 3)
We have two rooms for nursery care, an infant room and a toddler room. Infants are cared for in the room closest to our Sanctuary. Children are welcome to come to the infant room as soon as parents are comfortable. We serve water and a small snack during the service, so please let us know if your child has any allergies or food restrictions. Children typically stay in this room until they are around 2 years old.
Our Toddler room is for children ages 2 and 3. This room is equipped with age-appropriate toys, climbing equipment, and tables and chairs. We serve water and a small snack during the service, so please let us know if your child has any allergies or food restrictions. Children stay in this room until they are potty-trained, when they are welcome to join our preschool classes.
Each week, you will find both adults and teens serving together in our childcare rooms. Our volunteers are assigned to one Sunday a month, so that we have a consistent rotation throughout the year. Each volunteer 18 and older is screened through a background check, and references are checked for our teen volunteers.
Next to our infant room, and connected to our Sanctuary, is a quiet room for infants and parents. This space can be used to nurse, feed, or soothe a baby. This sound-proof room contains rocking chairs, a speaker system, and a window through which parents can still participate in the worship service.